art by rob

about that rob

dare you enter the tomb?

Punching Robots 2084

With Your Host, Rob Remakes

Category: Links

  • Jetboard Joust

    Due to a bit of a distractingly nightmarish month or so, I completely forgot to mention I wrote a short piece for Epic about the joys of Jetboard Joust. I’m definitely out of practice at writing like a perfectly normal human being and not a Rob but I appreciated – and took – the chance…

  • Look At This: Escape From Terror City

    It’s going to be a good Switch week for me next week by the looks of things – really looking forward to getting my hands on Digital Eclipse’s Karateka Game/Documentary/Museum given Atari 50 was an incredibly special thing indeed, hadn’t noticed that Escape From Terror City was getting a Switch release as well. It’s been…

  • Link: Frog’s Adventure / SEO content (Buried Treasure)

    Honestly, this is something I think about way more than I should so if you’ll excuse me breaking up the “pointing at nice things” that I try to stick to wherever possible, about this stuff then… I Whilst John takes a potshot at the absurdity of publishing stuff that’s meant to appease the machines and…