art by rob

about that rob

dare you enter the tomb?

Punching Robots 2084

With Your Host, Rob Remakes

Category: Quick Notes

  • Bobbins’ Olde Tomb Of Videogames

    Ok. I’ve been spending a few months now thinking I want to do something videogame-newsy but between the mess that is the internet in 2023 and my frankly shitty health, what can I do? Over that time I’ve been playing about with different iterations and variations of what’s now become Bobbins’ Olde Tomb Of Videogames.…

  • Jetboard Joust

    Due to a bit of a distractingly nightmarish month or so, I completely forgot to mention I wrote a short piece for Epic about the joys of Jetboard Joust. I’m definitely out of practice at writing like a perfectly normal human being and not a Rob but I appreciated – and took – the chance…

  • The Banished Vault

    Readers, I’m not going to lie to you here, I have no desire to play The Banished Vault in the slightest. It is, in just about every conceivable way, not my kind of videogame. Maybe I was bitten by a board game at an early age or something but this whole dice roll thing? Not…