art by rob

about that rob

dare you enter the tomb?

Punching Robots 2084

With Your Host, Rob Remakes

Category: Business

  • Thalamus Digital Switch sale, Death Ray Manta for two quid.

    Two quid will get you some gorgeous twin stick action and I’m still so very proud of what everyone achieved with it. Since being handled by the two Andy’s specifically, it’s a much better thing than I could have managed. Buy it! I’ve mentioned before how fortunate I am that the current custodians of my…

  • Link: Frog’s Adventure / SEO content (Buried Treasure)

    Honestly, this is something I think about way more than I should so if you’ll excuse me breaking up the “pointing at nice things” that I try to stick to wherever possible, about this stuff then… I Whilst John takes a potshot at the absurdity of publishing stuff that’s meant to appease the machines and…

  • Read This: The Law Is Whatever Nintendo Says It Is (Brendan Sinclair)

    So. Dolphin, then. From PC Gamer’s absolutely careless recent coverage around Nintendo and emulation to The Verge suggesting that it’s Valve “poking the bear” earlier today (conveniently forgetting that Valve are a huge business who not only have a working relationship with Nintendo but will -always- prioritise the sanctity of Steam above any developer by…