Punching Robots 2084

With Your Host, Rob Remakes

Category: Links

  • Link: After 23 years, Starfield’s ancestor Noctis is still a vision of the future (Eurogamer)

    Sometimes thick cloud cover plunges you into total darkness, and sometimes you’re treated to mountains and valleys chopped and chiselled by a sun that resembles a huge mural on a temple wall. Having touched the earth, you slide through the lander’s glass walls and head towards one of the terrain features you’ve identified, glancing back…

  • Link: Beyond The Scanlines: Magnetron

    Rob over at Beyond The Scanlines is taking a look at Magnetron on the C64 this week. I am still a huge fan of both Quazatron and Magnetron in their Speccy incarnations, though for reasons I can’t fathom now I couldn’t really remember anything about Magnetron on the breadbin. I surely must have played it,…

  • The Banished Vault

    Readers, I’m not going to lie to you here, I have no desire to play The Banished Vault in the slightest. It is, in just about every conceivable way, not my kind of videogame. Maybe I was bitten by a board game at an early age or something but this whole dice roll thing? Not…