art by rob

about that rob

dare you enter the tomb?

Punching Robots 2084

With Your Host, Rob Remakes

Tag: PC

  • Look At This: Grid Ranger (Pixeljam/Datasette)

    Bit of a videogame power duo thing going on with Datasette and Pixeljam working together on vector styled new arcade games and dear me, just look at how it’s all turning out! It’s beautiful! This is Grid Ranger then and it looks wonderful. Here’s the Steam page. Give the video a watch because it looks…

  • Jetboard Joust

    Due to a bit of a distractingly nightmarish month or so, I completely forgot to mention I wrote a short piece for Epic about the joys of Jetboard Joust. I’m definitely out of practice at writing like a perfectly normal human being and not a Rob but I appreciated – and took – the chance…

  • Hyper Meteor

    I know Playdate touching folks have had their grubby mits on a version of Hyper Meteor for a good while now but given my hand cramps up just looking at pictures of the thing*, it’s been a case of waiting it out for me. Which is another way of saying “Yay, a Switch version” because…