Punching Robots 2084

With Your Host, Rob Remakes

Tag: PC

  • Jetboard Joust

    Due to a bit of a distractingly nightmarish month or so, I completely forgot to mention I wrote a short piece for Epic about the joys of Jetboard Joust. I’m definitely out of practice at writing like a perfectly normal human being and not a Rob but I appreciated – and took – the chance…

  • Hyper Meteor

    I know Playdate touching folks have had their grubby mits on a version of Hyper Meteor for a good while now but given my hand cramps up just looking at pictures of the thing*, it’s been a case of waiting it out for me. Which is another way of saying “Yay, a Switch version” because…

  • Link: After 23 years, Starfield’s ancestor Noctis is still a vision of the future (Eurogamer)

    Sometimes thick cloud cover plunges you into total darkness, and sometimes you’re treated to mountains and valleys chopped and chiselled by a sun that resembles a huge mural on a temple wall. Having touched the earth, you slide through the lander’s glass walls and head towards one of the terrain features you’ve identified, glancing back…