Punching Robots 2084

With Your Host, Rob Remakes

Category: Business

  • Ori And It Gets Results

    “Was the feedback given in constructive ways? No. Was the feedback ultimately constructive? Yes,” said one developer, who felt the behavior of the leaders was atrocious but felt mixed in his opinion of the founders because they got results. from this article on the studio behind the Ori games. This is the most ass backwards…

  • XIII And Delaying Games

    Read two pieces this week about the evidently launched-as-best-it-can remake of XIII asking why it couldn’t just be delayed until it’s sorted. Kotaku’s Luke Plunkett gets straight in there with an epic use of “just”, which is invariably a sign that an argument may be a wee bit more complex than the person making it…

  • Streaming videogames and that.

    I know I haven’t managed it for a while because health and that but one of the handy things about streaming was being able to hop online and show a few people a videogame I’d just bought and maybe it’ll either give them a laugh or it’s the kind of thing they might like or,…