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Punching Robots 2084

With Your Host, Rob Remakes

Read: PC Gamer “This fan remake of a Star Trek text game from 1978 is way better than it has any right to be”

Lay in a course, Mister Sulu. You can almost hear the voice. And now, thanks to the enterprising programmer Emanuele Bolognesi, wannabe Captain Kirks can play the 1978 game Super Star Trek in a gorgeously overhauled audiovisual form.

Rich Stanton, PC Gamer

Missed this last week, what a wonderful job this is. Beautiful stuff.

Super Star Trek was, for a really long time, one of those games that you’d be hard pressed not to run into a version of, whether that’s a home computer version, public domain, shareware or freeware release, over the years it had become a bit of a standard. For all I know, it may well still be and I just haven’t been paying attention (I haven’t).

Anyway, I don’t know how many variations I’ve played over the years but it’s a fair few. Am I bored of seeing them yet? Hah, no!

Just look at this one though. What an absolutely cracking idea to throw all these things together! The bridge from the Interplay adventure, dialogue from Star Trek and there, centre stage, Super Star Trek itself. Perfect remake/remix stuff that would have gone down an absolute storm in my olde Retroremakes days. Lovely.

This fan remake of a Star Trek text game from 1978 is way better than it has any right to be | PC Gamer
Lay in a course, Mister Sulu. You can almost hear the voice. And now, thanks to the enterprising programmer Emanuele Bolognesi, wannabe Captain Kirks can play the 1978 game Super Star Trek in a gorgeo

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