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Punching Robots 2084

With Your Host, Rob Remakes

Play This: Moonring

Moonring’s been lurking around as an in progress game over on Dene’s Itch page for a fair while now, I’m obviously hoping that it making its way to Steam brings it to a wider audience because, well, just look at it, right?

Now, I’ll admit to having a soft spot for Dene’s work since the eighties (I put an obscene amount of hours into Druid on the Speccy) and it was only a few years ago that Spellrazor knocked my proverbial socks off with its mix of Vidkidz arcade, early DesDes home computer game and the arcane.

Moonring seems like an all too natural progression, considering everything.

“But what is Moonring?”, you might well be asking.

Ok. I wouldn’t normally approach introducing a game this way but here’s the sell from the Steam page, I can guarantee that by the end of two short paragraphs you’ll know *instantly* if you need to play Moonring.

A dark-fantasy, turn-based, retro-fusion of classic turn-based RPGs and roguelikes, all presented with a unique neon aesthetic.

Moonring is a retro-inspired open-world, turn-based, tile RPG in the style of the classic Ultima games, but created from the ground up with modern design sensibilities.

Now, you might be thinking that all sounds great but anyone can write any old tat on their Steam page so aye, fair enough. Look at this screenshot though, this is the real deal. It’s gorgeous!

Oh, and it’s free. Properly free, not free to play free. Obscene, frankly.

Go on, give it a go.

Moonring on Steam
A dark-fantasy, turn-based, retro-fusion of classic turn-based RPGs and roguelikes, all presented with a unique neon aesthetic.

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