Punching Robots 2084

With Your Host, Rob Remakes

Tag: ZX Spectrum

  • Saboteur!

    Revisiting Saboteur for the first time in a very long time, all thanks to a slightly messy but the game is perfectly intact recent-ish port. I was pleasantly surprised how much I still enjoy the game! I can’t quite put my finger entirely on how it works as well as it does for me but…

  • Video Of The Week: Until I Die – Cookie

    Video Of The Week is just any excuse really to link to a video or series that I’ve been enjoying. Chances are there won’t be one every week, mind. It’s a bit of a silly conceit but I really do enjoy watching someone else play a videogame until they run out of energy/lives in it,…

  • Last Train To Tranz-Central

    Just a very, very quick one today. I finally remembered to get round to buying Last Train To Tranz-Central a few minutes ago after legit forgetting for a ridiculously long time. Since I first saw the screenshots, I was in love. It’s such great spritework, not only does it carry off the whole futuristic train…