art by rob

about that rob

dare you enter the tomb?

Punching Robots 2084

With Your Host, Rob Remakes

Tag: Ratalaika

  • Zeroptian Invasion

    You know, I was absolutely convinced I’d put words down on Zeroptian Invasion some time back but perhaps I should have double checked that one sooner because no, no, I had not. I am really fond of Zeroptian Invasion. I’ve long nurtured an appreciation of the single screen shooter, from Space Invaders, Galaga and the…

  • Super Destronaut DX 2

    I’m not saying I really enjoyed the first Super Destronaut or anything but the time from spotting Super Destronaut DX2 had launched on the PlayStation store to me scraping together a few quid to buy it could be measured in minutes. I can’t say I was disappointed either. You can probably see why, right? It…

  • Micetopia

    Not too far into Micetopia on the PS4 at the mo but it’s such an absolutely lovely looking videogame*. I really, really, really detest “metroidvania” as a term and probably due to both being British and old, find little meaning in it as a touchstone, but that’s the term the publishers want applying to Micetopia…