art by rob

about that rob

dare you enter the tomb?

Punching Robots 2084

With Your Host, Rob Remakes

Tag: Arena Shooter

  • Cataloguing The New Arcade: This is not a drill. New Radian Games alert.

    Rhythm Storm then. Holy shit. Confession time. When Luke (Radian Games) first dropped Joy Joy on XBLIG I was a right miserable sod about it. I was wrong, as I often could be, and it was perfectly fine but for whatever reason, I gave it a right grumpy old write up. I know, I know.…

  • Tesla Force

    Tesla Force has one of the most immediately disarming structures to a twin stick shooter I’ve played. In a good way, mind. Picking up from the also wonderful Tesla Vs Lovecraft, Tesla Force reimagines the game as a more open, customisable, less guided experience. With co-op. I really like it but yeah, it certainly caught…

  • Cataloguing The New Arcade: Debris Infinity

    Whilst the high bar for Asteroids reinventions remains a tie between Spheres Of Chaos (I prefer the older version over 2012’s rejig but YMMV, they’re both available for free now) and Echoes (Again. I prefer + to 3 but honestly. It’s so close in quality as to be unimportant), Debris Infinity (available on Steam too)…