Punching Robots 2084

With Your Host, Rob Remakes

Tag: Arena Shooter

  • Cataloguing The New Arcade: Glitchangels

    Sitting at the intersection of glitchgoth and cybergoth, Glitchangels is Berzerk reimagined as a Nuclear Throne-alike. Throw out the unending maze of the arcade classic, replace it with discreet rooms with tight corridors, clear the enemies to open the exits, paper it with Droid Assault inspired art – strip out the Paradroid elements, keep the…

  • Tesla Vs Lovecraft

    Whilst I don’t entirely understand the internet fixation with either Tesla or Lovecraft, or why they seem to go together like Cannon and Ball, Rod and Emu or Andy Crane and Edd The Duck, at least it’s led us to perhaps my favourite 10tons game yet. For that, I’m grateful. If you’re new to the…

  • Assault Android Cactus

    Originally posted January 2020 Look, I’m not sure how I managed to make it through to 2020 and have nothing on here about Assault Android Cactus before now but it’s clearly incredibly slack of me because Assault Android Cactus is wonderful. It’s been pretty wonderful for the near five years it’s been out there now…