art by rob

about that rob

dare you enter the tomb?

Punching Robots 2084

With Your Host, Rob Remakes

Look At This! Endlight

I’ve been watching (and playing) Endlight in various forms now for the best part of a decade thanks to it being a regular entry into the IGF. It’s always been an incredible looking thing whatever form it’s taken – it’s a game that asks “how much can we push around on the screen?” and then doubles it for a laugh. It’s frankly obscene looking stuff and videogame witchcraft.

When you get to the videos in a mo you’ll see what I mean (that’s if the YouTube compression hasn’t absolutely slaughtered the game, as it often does. YouTube was not designed to handle Endlight. Nothing was designed to handle Endlight).

Watching Endlight warp, bend and evolve over the course of the past nine or ten years has been an absolute pleasure and genuinely, I’ve looked forward each year to seeing what the latest version would bring. As works in progress tend to be like, not every year has felt like the game nailed it but even when it drifted a tad, it was always, always an exciting sight to behold regardless.

It’s weird to think that very soon, I’ll have to find something else to look forward to getting my grubby mits on as Endlight, finally, has an end in sight. It releases towards the end of July. I know, I know, it’s smashed through (oi! – ed) a number of release dates before now but this looks like the one.

I am ten excited out of five for it. I mean, really, when was the last time you saw a game that looked like this? More games that look like they’ve fallen out of the demoscene dimension, please.

Endlight on Steam
Releases Friday July 28, 2023. Break through and outlast shifting, twisting, chaos. Dodging is for cowards, start SMASHING.

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