art by rob

about that rob

dare you enter the tomb?

Punching Robots 2084

With Your Host, Rob Remakes

Gamebryo AI

It's a hairy ass minotaur from The Elder Scrolls Oblivion. It's in a forest because videogames.

…Gamebryo would sometimes get blamed for bugs that were, in reality, caused by Bethesda. “I’ve always found it hilarious when enraged fanboys online say ‘Gamebryo AI sucks, look at Morrowind’. There’s no such thing as Gamebryo AI”, Tim said, laughing.

David Lightbown retrospective on Gamebryo, Gamasutra

In “quotes that have stuck in the gamedev segment of my noggin” corner, this is a recent-ish one that always makes me smile.

There’s no such thing as Gamebryo AI

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