art by rob

about that rob

dare you enter the tomb?

Punching Robots 2084

With Your Host, Rob Remakes

Author: Rob

  • Garden Gonzo And The Rude Worms

    Oh dear, those naughty worms are at it again and they’re teaching the recently grown Gonzo Plant in my garden some terribly offensive things to say. I love my worms but really, they’re very very rude. I wish I’d warned the Gonzo Plant to be careful round them beforehand but I got distracted by a…

  • Punchy

    I have no excuses for this. Was sat there earlier having a quick blast on Punchy, which totally is not Hunchy, which is totally not Hunchback. It’s a game where each port has its own, erm, character. None of them are especially grand though the C16 version is incredibly arcade-beautiful to look at and I…

  • Robots I’d Punch: Dilithium Lift

    Look at this fella! I don’t really think anyone here has thought through the whole “size of person/robot” and platform thing so they’d only really need a little nudge, rather than a fully fledged bop. What a guy tho. Somewhere between Metal Mickey and a KLF definitely-not-a-Dalek, complete with spinny lug holes. Totally punchable.