art by rob

about that rob

dare you enter the tomb?

Punching Robots 2084

With Your Host, Rob Remakes

2,500 Screenshots Of No Man’s Sky, from 2018-2023

Since the release of No Man’s Sky in 2016, I’ve accumulated a lot of pictures of the thing. Since 2018, I’ve been sharing them to the NoMansShots Twitter feed but with Twitter being somewhere I don’t really want to be now since Musk’s takeover and subsequent trashing, I had to have a good long think about a) whether I wanted to continue what’s largely a post- only account whilst the thing falls apart and b) what to do about the few thousand picture archive.

In the grand scheme of things, the internet losing some screenshots of a very heavily screenshotted videogame that’s not only still being sold but still being worked on is hardly the greatest loss ever. I sincerely doubt most people would notice or care if they all disappeared tomorrow. I do care though.

I care because it’s a game I still get a great deal of pleasure out of, it’s a game I’m just starting to find time for the latest gen version of in-between what feels like rolling crises and shitty health. And with regards to the screenshots, it’s a game I still enjoy just looking at pictures of. With all that in mind, I figured I better find a home for these here pics.

The archive runs into around 28 gig as the bulk have been taken on a PS4 Pro. They’re not small! So after mulling over some of the other options, I’ve settled on uploading them all to Flickr and when I get a brief moment here and there, sorting them out a bit.

I’ve tried to catch dupes, shots that resulted from cat wrestling and ones where the UI is present and it shouldn’t be – I’ve probably missed quite a few though.

I kept them round for me, mainly. That said, if anyone does have a use for any or just needs a picture of No Man’s Sky for some reason, well, here you go. Use them for whatever, there’s one or two to choose from.

The No Man’s Shots archive on Flickr.

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