art by rob

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dare you enter the tomb?

Punching Robots 2084

With Your Host, Rob Remakes

Tag: No Man’s Sky

  • Exploratory Void Machine: Singularity

    Nearly but not quite finished with the current expedition in No Man’s Sky. It took me a few tries to get into the groove of expeditions given I generally don’t care much for the guided parts of No Man’s Sky, preferring to just tootle around of my own accord looking at pretty things. Initially, I…

  • Exploratory Void Machine: Starting Again

    No Man’s Sky, April 2023 I’ve started a new game of NMS a couple of times. I first set forth with the PC version at launch, later moving to Playstation, spinning up a game on Switch when it launched there and now with having an Xbox in the house, starting a game up there too.…

  • Settling Down In No Man’s Sky

    It’s quite something that after five years and thousands of hours, I’m still having an absolutely lovely and chill time with No Man’s Sky. The last time I put words to page about it, I celebrated its rediscovered messiness. Since then, so much more has been added and with that, so much more mess. As…