art by rob

about that rob

dare you enter the tomb?

Punching Robots 2084

With Your Host, Rob Remakes

Progress Report

It’s been a few weeks now of running a weekly videogame links digest and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t having an absolute ball with it. There’s such an obscene amount of stuff to rummage through each week that I genuinely feel spoilt by just how much great stuff people are making.

After the usual scratchy start experimenting with what works as a schedule for me right now and sussing out the nicest ways to go rooting for games so it never feels like work, I’ve hit a nice rhythm. I’m aiming for a new digest each Thursday and Patreon supporters that have pledged a quid or more get it a day early.

I was concerned this would be a bit much and who knows, with my health fluctuating there might be times where it is. Right now though? I’m having a great time with it.

Anyway. I’m trying not to overreach with things because I’m obviously super conscious of my crap body these days and don’t really fancy another round of burning out. So far, it’s kinda been the opposite. I’m surprised at how much easier all this is than at any time I’ve been doing news guff previously.

I’m not expecting to ever hit any big numbers and certainly not looking to build an empire or something of this but the more people plopping their eyes on games they might not have seen, the happier a bunny I am.

It is really difficult to get eyes on stuff in 2023 tho so if you do find the digest up your street, please give it a share or whatever the text equivalent of a “don’t forget to like and subscribe” is.

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