art by rob

about that rob

dare you enter the tomb?

Punching Robots 2084

With Your Host, Rob Remakes

Gobbing off about games and films again

Got a couple of smaller blogs on the go recently because I fancy having somewhere I can quickly bang on about films or games that’s just, you know, readable on the web or through RSS. Something I can use instead of social media to talk about things.

They’ve been at the top of the page for a few days now but just in case:

Tatwatch is essentially a log of what crap I’m putting into my eyeballs. I watch *a lot* of films and I’m never happier than with an old b movie. If you care to keep up or just fancy finding something crap to watch yourself, here you go.

Videogames is, well, it’s trad Rob stuff. Before I got very very tired. Comments on stuff I like, stuff I don’t like, grumbles. Keeping any lengthy stuff for here but if you want to know what I’m currently thinking about in games, it’s over there. Stuff I’ve toyed with putting on here over the years and always end up feeling a bit uncomfortable with it being here and go and do something else for a bit.

I’ve outlined the reasons for both blogs existing over on the blogs themselves. It’s nothing weird, I enjoy using Bear as a sort of small web blogging platform so I wanted an excuse or two to use it more. After twenty years I’ve decided the sort of stuff I actually want here on my home corner of the web and what I want to still do but not have it on instant blast. For the sake of ownership, I may end up throwing things all in one place but for now, I’m happy with this set up, I love Bear so here we are.

(And yeah, I know there’s static site generators that could fulfill the same function but I’m doing most of my stuff on the iPad these days and I just want an easy life, the fewer steps to doing anything, the more chance of me actually doing it.)

Also, with apologies that it’s taking me ages to get through adding a bunch of banners and stuff. I’m exhausted and everything takes me ages now. I’ll get there.

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