art by rob

about that rob

dare you enter the tomb?

Punching Robots 2084

With Your Host, Rob Remakes

Fanart? Fanart.

Thanks to rubbish body tremors, I haven’t really been able to draw comfortably for the past five to eight years or so. Yeah, it’s hardly the worst thing in the world but I definitely missed it and wobbly lines just aren’t the same.

Anyway, discovering that Procreate lets me steady my strokes via digital magic has led to me trying to pick it up again in recent months. I am hopelessly out of practice, my shading lands somewhere between crap and adequate but… I’m enjoying myself again so no fucks.

To encourage myself to practice more, I’ve been doing little fan-art pieces of games that people tend not to do any for and having the odd silly moment of doodling kinda forgotten eighties videogame characters too. I am still me after all.

Anyway, here’s Rogue Declan, Jack Dragon and Don’t Die, Mr Robot in Rob-o-vision. Long way to go and plenty more practice needed to even get back to where I was before but hey ho, I’ve got time.

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