art by rob

about that rob

dare you enter the tomb?

Punching Robots 2084

With Your Host, Rob Remakes

Category: Videogames

  • Gobbing off about games and films again

    Got a couple of smaller blogs on the go recently because I fancy having somewhere I can quickly bang on about films or games that’s just, you know, readable on the web or through RSS. Something I can use instead of social media to talk about things. They’ve been at the top of the page…

  • Adventures In No Man’s Sky, Worlds/Aquarius. (III)

    Previously on Adventures In No Man’s Sky

  • The Posies: I Am The Cosmos

    Ok, it’s played pretty straight as covers of the song go but ,,, it’s a really good cover of a really good song so who cares? Also, that solo always gets me whoever performs it.