art by rob

about that rob

dare you enter the tomb?

Punching Robots 2084

With Your Host, Rob Remakes

Category: Robots

  • Robots I Would Punch: Bozo The Iron Man

    Honestly, that’s his name! I didn’t make this up. Bozo hangs around with Hugh Hazzard, inventor of the “I piss thee not” named super-seper-iconoscope. I think at this point it’s just best if we never let Mr Hazzard name anything ever again. And punch his robot, natch.

  • Robots I Would Punch:John Doe

    Strange how I don’t even blink at the thought of a scientist building a robot but “an exact copy of a human brain” and I’m immediately thrown into disbelief. Absolutely unpossible! That would literally never happen. The imaginatively named John Doe is a good guy robot, sacrificing their existence to save their creator’s daughter from…

  • Robots I Would Punch: The President Of The Terran Federation

    Along with Bolland’s “gaze into the fist of Dredd“, this is one of my all time fave comic panels. The reveal is great but it’s the “Grief! A Robot!” that edges it into the sublime. Nobody suspects a robot! Especially one sent by The Mekon to ensure no peace can be brokered. And that, really,…