art by rob

about that rob

dare you enter the tomb?

Punching Robots 2084

With Your Host, Rob Remakes


The loading screen to Astronut on the ZX Spectrum, published by Software Projects. An astronaut is trapped within the jaws of a flying green alien, in space. It's all quite cartoony and silly! The alien has big fangs, dragon wings and a little pointy devil tail.
pic from Spectrum Computing’s archive

Astronut was a wonderful little puzzle platform game for the Speccy that I never really got to play as often as I’d have liked on release.

Oh, it wasn’t like I didn’t try! The infernal thing refused to load most of the time and when it did finally load, I’d have to squint at the tiny codesheet and hope I hadn’t managed to get the colours mixed up again so I could actually play it.

The copy protection for Astronut. It's a mulch of colours on a grid. Magenta and red are ridiculously difficult to tell apart and if you're colour blind, the whole sheet is a disaster.

Copy protection is ever infuriating in how it’s more likely to punish legit players – a truth in 1984 as much as today.

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