Had a few shots now at getting this from head to page, used some bits and pieces from my last attempt as a starting point and you know, I think this time I got close to where I was aiming.
With Your Host, Rob Remakes
Posted on this, the day of our Molyneux,
in our entirely accurate databanks
Had a few shots now at getting this from head to page, used some bits and pieces from my last attempt as a starting point and you know, I think this time I got close to where I was aiming.
Google is broken, social media is fragmented (this one, at least, is a good thing) the internet is an AI toilet. Getting someone to look at your stuff on online is getting ridiculously rough. Sharing a post amongst chums or the internet at large helps loads. So here’s some buttons! Wahey!
The online home of Rob Fearon, disabled videogame maker, games journalist, crap film watcher, gobshite and doodler. Rob’s been around games a very, very long time now and Punching Robots Club is their personal blog featuring whatever nonsense takes their fancy.
Sometimes it’s a sketch, a review, an article about videogames, a pointer to something Rob finds cool. Whatever, really. Expect anything, Rob’s tired of being a brand online and so it’s just stuff and things these days. Nice stuff and things, mind you.