art by rob

about that rob

dare you enter the tomb?

Punching Robots 2084

With Your Host, Rob Remakes

My Nuclear Octopus

With everything that’s been going on with health, family – and just life in general – I’ve managed to lose any sense of time somewhere down the back of the sofa.

I’ve been able to start rediscovering my Steam library again these past few weeks and it kinda just stops growing in any discernible way in 2018. Cue lots of “oh gosh, has it really been like this for this long now” thoughts but also, cue lots of “oh wow, I love this game” as I rummage through.

I do love My Nuclear Octopus. It’s a frantic and brutal arcade game with violent visuals caught somewhere between Vid Kidz and a cursed BBC B someone found in an antiques store after trying to short change the owner and the owner happened to look a lot like Peter Cushing. Which is to say, it looks amazing.

I’ve taken a shot at doodling it before but to be frank, it was a bit rubbish so here’s attempt number two as I celebrate a new pen and being able to play more videogames than in recent times.

Go and play My Nuclear Octopus though. It’s not even three pounds of English moneys and it’s great.

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