Punching Robots 2084

With Your Host, Rob Remakes

Tag: Business

  • Link: Frog’s Adventure / SEO content (Buried Treasure)

    Honestly, this is something I think about way more than I should so if you’ll excuse me breaking up the “pointing at nice things” that I try to stick to wherever possible, about this stuff then… I Whilst John takes a potshot at the absurdity of publishing stuff that’s meant to appease the machines and…

  • XIII And Delaying Games

    Read two pieces this week about the evidently launched-as-best-it-can remake of XIII asking why it couldn’t just be delayed until it’s sorted. Kotaku’s Luke Plunkett gets straight in there with an epic use of “just”, which is invariably a sign that an argument may be a wee bit more complex than the person making it…