My name is Rob and I write about videogames for human beings and I also write videogames for human beings. Some people know me better as the custodian of the now defunct apart from forums Retro Remakes site but these days, I’m mainly that old dude who makes games with fishes and lasers and moans a bit on Twitter.
I’ve been writing about games, life in games and about understanding the world around games as well as making the things (not entirely) by myself for close to 15 years now and I’m still not bored of it. I’ve made games that have been played by thousands, games that have been played by ten people and contributed in parts to some great games other people made. I’m currently working on something for PSN/Steam that I’m hoping to have out at some point in 2017 in conjunction with a few good friends.
I’ve given talks on accessibility and how to ease people into making games, been called “The Godzilla Of Grumbling” by Develop mag, “Defiantly Indie” by Edge and “An effusive individual” by The Guardian. I am OK with all these descriptions. I also once drew a rude picture on stage during a panel for RockPaperShotgun because they asked nicely.
I rarely get chance to attend events in recent years due to a combination of having a family and not being in the best of health but I’m glad that recently, we’ve managed to move away from business, business, business days out and squeezing in stuff for the love of games instead. Much more like it.
Rob On Videogames - essays on being in videogames by Rob Fearon, formerly We Make The Cops Look Dumb/Gibber
Take This Machine - writing about videogames by Rob Fearon
This Is The Future Of Videogames - actual videogames by Rob Fearon