I have no excuses for this. Was sat there earlier having a quick blast on Punchy, which totally is not Hunchy, which is totally not Hunchback.
It’s a game where each port has its own, erm, character. None of them are especially grand though the C16 version is incredibly arcade-beautiful to look at and I do sort of love it. The spectrum version really is quite inexplicable tho.
As for how I got from there to this picture? I’m very tired and sore. For some reason, this is what happens. Sorry.
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The online home of Rob Fearon, disabled videogame maker, games journalist, crap film watcher, gobshite and doodler. Rob’s been around games a very, very long time now and Punching Robots Club is their personal blog featuring whatever nonsense takes their fancy.
Sometimes it’s a sketch, a review, an article about videogames, a pointer to something Rob finds cool. Whatever, really. Expect anything, Rob’s tired of being a brand online and so it’s just stuff and things these days. Nice stuff and things, mind you.