art by rob

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dare you enter the tomb?

Punching Robots 2084

With Your Host, Rob Remakes


A screenshot from Recompile, a glowing player avatar runs through a minimal surreal environment whilst a pair of tentacled sentinels with glowing eyes float nearby.

Not really the kind of game I go for these days, largely alternating between games which I can play in 10 minute bursts or games which just leave me alone to pick up some flowers or something, but I’m really impressed with the style Recompile has going on.

There’s a really nice mix of the economical indie style and some grandstanding stuff and sure, it looks nice static. Look at this!

A screenshot from the game Recompile. A digital representation of a humanoid generated out of glowing particles faces off against an enormous, mechanical, Event Horizon looking spider thing. It seems to be taking place in a volcanic area, judging by the hue and limited scenery.

There’s a nice bit of Rez to the digital player avatar and that spider-like whatever thing appears to be some sort of Event Horizon meets the sadly abandoned but should have had a bigger audience 3d tool GroBoto. Yes, this is definitely a look, I like it!

I’d bailed out of last year’s trailer due to an aversion to trailers playing sad songs at me and, as is usual for me, I’d completely forgotten about the game until a post on the PlayStation blog a few days back. The post goes into a little more detail of how the game looks, complete with now obligatory animated GIFs to show off different parts in motion and yeah, okay, it’s a grand job visually alright.

I don’t have a PS5 and my PC has just bitten the dust again so I doubt I’ll be getting round to it anytime soon but given I keep this damn site around to write about things that make me go ooh, this is a game that definitely made me go ooh.

Okay, I’ll admit it. It the glowing particles that got me. I may be old and tired but I’m still me. Just look at the lasers in this! Incredible!

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