art by rob

about that rob

dare you enter the tomb?

Punching Robots 2084

With Your Host, Rob Remakes


Not too far into Micetopia on the PS4 at the mo but it’s such an absolutely lovely looking videogame*. I really, really, really detest “metroidvania” as a term and probably due to both being British and old, find little meaning in it as a touchstone, but that’s the term the publishers want applying to Micetopia so okay. It’s one of them.

Note to self: come up with an 8 bit home computer related term next time I’m bored.

A forest scene from Micetopia. A mouse leaps from a platform in the woods, a rabbit with a spear waits across the other side of the room.

Micetopia is bloody hard, mind. I’ve met my maker a few times already.

Not that I mind too much though. There’s not really that much of a penalty for it — getting dropped back to the hub might be a problem in a bigger game but that’s not Micetopia. It’s got a really old game feeling to it too as it resets rooms once you leave them, so if you’re so inclined you can always do a bit of grinding for coins or (if you’re anything like me) just replay the room for no discernible reason.

A cave scene from Micetopia, there's a dragon in there.

Anyway. The most important thing you need to know about Micetopia is the town hall in the village has a bell on it that you can ring and seriously, it makes a really satisfying ding. I hit that bell quite happily for five minutes straight and yes, that’s it, that’s the stuff.


*yes, that’s also the sole reason I bought it. Look at the pretty meeses.

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